French Circles Petite Conversation Je m’appelle

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Je m’appelle

French Circles Petite Conversation Je m’appelle

In this post: French Circles Petite Conversation Je m’appelle pour le niveau Débutant. Welcome to French Circles Club! In this short video we will learn a small formal conversation in French about how to introduce yourself.

Petite Conversation: Je m’appelle…

Maya: Bonsoir,


Je m’appelle Maya, tu t’appelles comment?

Good evening,


My name is Maya, What’s your name?

Sara: Bonsoir Maya.   Je m’appelle Sara.


Je suis française, et toi?

Good evening Maya, my name is Sara.


I am French, and you?

Maya: Je suis canadienne. Enchantée. I am Canadian. Delighted.
Sara: Enchantée aussi, Maya. Delighted as well, Maya.

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French Circles Petite Conversation Je m'appelle French Circles Petite Conversation Je m'appelle French Circles Petite Conversation Je m'appelle

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French Circles Petite Conversation Je m'appelle

Petite Conversation

Good evening, My name is Maya, What’s your name?.Good evening Maya, my name is Sara. I am French, and you?. I am Canadian. Delighted. Good evening, My name is Maya, What’s your name?.Good evening Maya, my name is Sara. I am French, and you?. I am Canadian. Delighted.