Dr Mrs Vandertramp Test

Dr Mrs Vandertramp Test

In this post you can practice  Dr Mrs Vandertramp Test. You will complete a few tests related to DR MRS VANDERTRAMP, a learning strategy to help French learners to remember the verbs that use the auxiliary verb to be (être) as the past participle for the passé composé form.

TEST 1: DR MRS VANDERTRAMP – Video Games and quizzes



TEST 3: Practice the auxiliary AVOIR or ETRE


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Dr Mrs Vandertramp Dr Mrs Vandertramp

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Use the DR MRS VANDERTRAMP abbreviation to learn the verbs that use the auxiliaire être.

Dr Mrs Vandertramp

Devenir, Revenir, Monter, Rester, Sortir, Venir, Aller, Naître, Descendre, Entrer, Rentrer, Tomber, Retourner, Arriver, Mourir, Partir, Passer, Devenir
Revenir, Monter, Rester, Sortir, Venir, Aller, Naître, Descendre, Entrer, Rentrer, Tomber, Retourner, Arriver, Mourir, Partir, Passer, to enter, to reenter, to fall, to return, to arrive, to die, to leave, To pass, to, enter, to reenter, to fall, to return, to arrive, to die, to leave, To pass