Dernière danse – Indila

Dernière danse - Indila

Dernière danse – Indila

Singing is an amazing way to improve your language learning. “Dernière danse – Indila ” is a beautiful song that can help you to learn and remember French vocabulary.

Indila was born in Paris on 26 June 1984. Her family is of Algerian descent, but has also Indian, Cambodian and Egyptian roots. She married record producer DJ Skalp in 2007.

Enjoy this video. Sing along!

Lyrics : Dernière danse

French English
Ô ma douce souffrance Oh my sweet torment
Pourquoi s’acharner tu recommences No point in fighting, you start again
Je ne suis qu’un être sans importance I’m but a meaningless being
Sans lui je suis un peu “paro” Without him I’m a bit lost
Je déambule seule dans le métro I wander around alone on the subway
Une dernière danse A last dance
Pour oublier ma peine immense To forget my great misery
Je veux m’enfuir que tout recommence I want to get away, everything to start again
Oh ma douce souffrance Oh my sweet torment
Je remue le ciel le jour, la nuit I stir the sky, the day, the night
Je danse avec le vent la pluie I dance with the wind, the rain
Un peu d’amour, un brin de miel A bit of love, a drop of honey
Et je danse, danse, danse, danse, danse, danse And I dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance
Et dans le bruit, je cours et j’ai peur And in the noise, I run and I’m afraid
Est-ce mon tour ? Is this my turn?
Vient la douleur Here comes the pain
Dans tout Paris, je m’abandonne In all of Paris, I abandon myself
Et je m’envole, vole, vole, vole, vole And away I fly, fly, fly, fly
Que d’espérance So much hope
Sur ce chemin en ton absence On this path in your absence
J’ai beau trimer, sans toi ma vie n’est qu’un décor qui brille, vide de sens Try as I might, without you my life is nothing but a meaningless shiny decor
Je suis une enfant du monde I’m a child of the world

In the following video, Anastasia will help you with the pronunciation of this song:

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  1. French Songs Level 1
  2. French Songs Level 2
  3. French Songs Level 3
  4. French Songs Level 4
  5. French Songs Level 5
  6. French Songs Level 6
  7. French Songs Level 7
  8. French Songs Level 8
  9. French Songs Level 9

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Dernière danse - Indila