SAVOIR Subjonctif

Savoir subjonctif présent - Conjugation

SAVOIR Subjonctif

SAVOIR Subjonctif: The subjunctive mode is used to indicate a contemplated or hypothetical action, a doubt or a wish. It is the mode of the unreal. It is used with verbs expressing desire, wish, doubt, emotion and uncertainty.

In its construction, we add “que” or “qu’” before the verb to indicate the subjunctive.

To know – Subjonctif

French English
Pouvoir Subjonctif Présent Present Subjunctive
que je sache that I know
que tu saches that you know (sing.)
qu’il sache that he knows
qu’elle sache that she knows
que nous sachions that we know
que vous sachiez that you know (plur.)
qu’ils  sachent that they know (masc.)
qu’elles sachent that they know (fem.)

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Savoir subjonctif présent - Conjugation

To know – Subjunctive

For example, when expressing a wish or doubt about someone’s knowledge or understanding, the subjunctive form of savoir might be used. Phrases like “Il est important que tu saches” (It is important that you know) or “Je doute qu’il sache” (I doubt that he knows) illustrate how savoir in the subjunctive conveys nuances of uncertainty or wishfulness.