Month: May 2022

Le futur simple - Verbes irréguliers test

Le futur simple-Verbes irréguliers test

Examinations play a crucial role in the process of acquiring a new language as they facilitate practice and self-assessment. Consider taking, to sharpen your skills with irregular verbs in the future tense in French. Prior to attempting this test, it’s recommended that you dedicate some time to practicing irregular verbs in the simple future tense...

Le pompier pyromane - Conversattion

Le pompier pyromane

Le pompier pyromane In this post, Le pompier pyromane, the pyromaniac fireman, you are going to listen to a conversation between Bhavika and Ranveer about some news about a fireman.Listen first without the subtitles. This will help you to improve your French listening skills. Practice more conversations in French with French Circles. French English Le...

French Letter Combinations - Grammar

French Letter Combinations

French Letter Combinations French words don’t always look the way they sound. They may combine letters to make a new sound. In this post, “French Letter Combinations”, you will learn about certain French sounds that are made up of two or more letters that are pronounced together. Letters can be two vowels, two consonants, or...

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