Month: October 2023

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7 Benefits of reading to learn French

7 Benefits of reading to learn French

7 Benefits of reading to learn French In this post you will learn 7 Benefits of reading to learn French. Reading is an excellent method for learning a new language and offers numerous benefits. Here are 7 of them. To maximize the benefits of reading in French, it’s essential to read regularly and choose materials...

DONNER Futur simple

DONNER Futur simple

DONNER Futur simple Learn and practice french with this conjugation: DONNER Futur simple. The verb “To give” is conjugated this way in Future Simple tense: Le verbe “Donner Futur simple ” se conjugue de la façon suivante: Je donnerai, tu donneras, il donnera, elle donnera, nous donnerons, vous donnerez, ils donneront, elles donneront. Practice this...

Mon nom est-my name is

Mon nom est-my name is

Mon nom est In this post, Mon nom est-my name is, you will practice the pronunciation to introduce yourself in French. You have a video and a quizlet for practicing this basic sentence. You can also review the flashcards from the quizlet and then continue with the practice using the other options such us match,...

Cet homme ira loin

Cet homme ira loin

Cet homme ira loin Learn and practice the French pronunciation with this phrase: Cet homme ira loin car il croit tout ce qu’il dit. Visit our website for more French pronunciation exercises. Short Video Explanation of the sentence Cet homme ira loin car il croit tout ce qu’il dit.  – Le comte de Mirabeau Traduction...