Category: 2 Grammar

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Les prepositions

Les Prépositions Learn and practice French prepositions in this post: Les prepositions – French Grammar.  Prepositions (les prépositions) are small but essential words that link elements of a sentence together. They are placed after a verb, noun, or adjective in order to indicate the relationships between that word and the noun that follows. In French, there are...


French verbs starting with a-b-c

French verbs starting with a-b-c French verbs starting with a-b-c: verbs are words that express the subject’s action, existence, condition, or state. They are formed by the root or lexeme that is the part that does not vary and the morpheme ending or ending that indicates the person, number, time and mode of the conjugation...

Another 15 irregular verbs

Another 15 irregular verbs

Another 15 irregular verbs Here are another 15 irregular verbs in French. Learn and practice them and you will increase you French vocabulary. Enjoy! Here are another 15 irregular French Verbs: French English Courrir Devenir Revenir Tenir Recevoir Apprendre Comprendre Lire Connaitre Mordre Prendre Souffrir Sourire Soutenir Vaincre to run to become to come Back...