Category: 1 Vocabulary

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Canada Day Vocabulary

Canada Day Vocabulary Learn and practice Canada Day Vocabulary: La fête du Canada, 1er juillet, drapeau, feuille d’érable, défilés, etc. Here are some useful French words to help you learn about Canada Day. Then, start reviewing the flashcards in the Quizlet and memorize the new words. After that, feel free to use the different options...

Holy Week French Vocabulary

Holy Week French Vocabulary

Holy Week French Vocabulary Learn and practice Holy Week French Vocabulary: Semaine Sainte , Dimanche des Rameaux, Mercredi des Cendres, Jeudi Saint, Vendredi Saint, etc. Here are some useful French words to help you learn about Easter time. Then, start reviewing the flashcards in the Quizlet and memorize the new words. After that, feel free...

Spring French Vocabulary

Spring French Vocabulary

Spring French Vocabulary Learn and practice Spring French Vocabulary: Le soleil , les fleurs, la pluie, la végétation, le barbecue, etc. Here are some useful French words to help you learn about Spring time. Then, start reviewing the flashcards in the Quizlet and memorize the new words. After that, feel free to use the different...

St Patrick’s Day French Vocabulary

St Patrick’s Day French Vocabulary

St Patrick’s Day French Vocabulary Learn and practice St Patrick’s Day French Vocabulary: Irlande , Une rose, le saint patron, la célébration, le trèfle vert, etc. These are some useful French words that you can use in this day. You can start reviewing the flashcards in the Quizlet below and memorize the new words. After...

Valentine’s Day French Vocabulary

Valentine’s Day French Vocabulary

Valentine’s Day French Vocabulary Learn and practice Valentine’s Day French Vocabulary: Bonne Saint-Valentin! , une rose, des amoureux, une demande en mariage, un diner aux chandelles, etc. These are some useful French words that you can use in this day. You can start reviewing the flashcards in the Quizlet below and memorize the new words....

French New Year Vocabulary

French New Year Vocabulary

French New Year Vocabulary  Learn and practice French vocabulary about French New Year Vocabulary – important dates: Bonne Année! , le nouvel an, le jour de l’an, le réveillon,une soirée dansante, etc. Here are some useful French words to help him learn. Then start reviewing the flashcards in the following Quizlet and memorize the new...