Category: 5 Pronunciation

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Mets met mes mais m'est-French homophones

Homophones Mets met mes mais m’est

Homophones Mets met mes mais m’est In this post you will practice French Homophones Mets met mes mais m’est. French homophones can cause difficulties in oral comprehension and spelling because they are words that sound alike, but have different meanings. An homophone is a word that has the same pronunciation but different meanings and, sometimes,...

Homophones sent, sang, s’en, sans, cent

Homophones sent, sang, s’en, sans, cent

Homophones sent, sang, s’en, sans, cent In this post you will practice French Homophones sent, sang, s’en, sans, cent. French homophones can cause difficulties in oral comprehension and spelling because they are words that sound alike, but have different meanings. An homophone is a word that has the same pronunciation but different meanings and, sometimes,...

La vie n'est pas d'attendre que l'orage passe - Inspiring sentences

La vie n’est pas d’attendre que l’orage passe

La vie n’est pas d’attendre que l’orage passe Refine your French pronunciation by immersing yourself in this empowering sentence: “La vie n’est pas d’attendre que l’orage passe, mais d’apprendre à danser sous la pluie.” translating to “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.” Embrace this...

Homophones il a, tu as, à

Homophones il a, tu as, à

Homophones il a, tu as, à In this post you will practice French Homophones il a, tu as, à. French homophones can cause difficulties in oral comprehension and spelling because they are words that sound alike, but have different meanings. An homophone is a word that has the same pronunciation but different meanings and, sometimes,...

Homophones s’est, c’est, ses, ces, sait, sais

Homophones s’est, c’est, ses, ces, sait, sais

Homophones s’est, c’est, ses, ces, sait, sais In this post you will practice French Homophones s’est, c’est, ses, ces, sait, sais. French homophones can cause difficulties in oral comprehension and spelling because they are words that sound alike, but have different meanings. An homophone is a word that has the same pronunciation but different meanings...