Month: December 2018

DORMIR Imparfait

DORMIR Imparfait


TOUCHER Imparfait

TOUCHER Imparfait

TOUCHER Imparfait Learn and practice French with this conjugation “TOUCHER Imparfait”: The verb “To touch” is conjugated this way in Imperfect tense: Je touchais, tu touchais, il touchait, elle touchait, nous touchions, vous touchiez, ils touchaient, elles touchaient. Practice the verb “to touch” in Imparfait using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more French verbs...

Mes décisions - French Dictations

Mes décisions – Dictation Practice

Mes décisions – Dictation Practice In this French dictation:  Mes décisions, you are going to practice French sentences in present tense. French dictations are a great way to improve your listening skills and also practice your French spelling. Enjoy the practice!  Dictation : My decisions Do you want to practice The reading of this...