Month: July 2016

La famille de Monsieur Brown

La famille de Monsieur Brown

La famille de Monsieur Brown Hello and welcome to la famille de Monsieur Brown. In this post you will learn about M. Brown and his family and practice some vocabulary needed to describe, family members. Use this video to practice your pronunciation and your listening skills. For reading comprehension fill out the form from the...

MONTER Imparfait

MONTER Imparfait

MONTER Imparfait Learn and practice French with this conjugation “MONTER Imparfait”: The verb “To go up” is conjugated this way in Imperfect tense: Je montais, tu montais, il montait, elle montait, nous montions, vous montiez, ils montaient, elles montaient. Practice the verb “to go up” in Imparfait using Quizlet: Do you want to practice more...

Capsule 3-Cercles de Conversation

Capsule 3-Cercles de Conversation

Whether you’re contemplating taking the DELF A1 exam or are keen on honing your conversational prowess, this curated set of questions presents a clear and structured framework to facilitate meaningful interaction. Utilize this capsule as a stepping stone to kickstart engaging conversations and immerse yourself in the rewarding process of both asking and answering these...

Papa sait tout

Papa sait tout

Papa sait tout Watch “Papa Sait tout” and find out if dad knows everything or not? This is a funny conversations that can be useful for French pronunciation practice. Try it and you wil enhance your French Pronunciation in a fun way. Papa, j’ai une question à te poser? Enjoy the video!  Papa sait...

French Songs Frenchcircles

French Songs

French Songs Using music is a great language learning strategy. Perhaps you are a huge fan of French songs, or you just love listening to music. Here you will find songs with subtitles in French English and Spanish. Getting to know songs helps you get more comfortable with the language especially if you’re a music...