Month: September 2015

Les boissons-drinks

Les boissons-drinks

Les boissons-drinks In this post, “Les boissons-drinks” you will discover essential vocabulary to enhance your French with a list of drinks or beverages. Take the time to memorize and repeat these new words, and then test your skills by writing them. Seize this opportunity to practice and enjoy learning!  Vocabulary: Drinks Les boissons (Drinks)...

Il vaut mieux prévenir

Il vaut mieux prévenir

Il vaut mieux prévenir Learn and practice the French pronunciation with this phrase: Il vaut mieux prévenir que guérir.. Visit our website for more French pronunciation exercises. Practice your pronunciation with this interactive video  Explanation of the sentence Traduction: It’s worth more to prevent than to heal. Il (pronom): it; he vaut (verbe «...

ER verbs passé composé dictation

ER verbs passé composé dictation

ER verbs passé composé dictation Practice a French dictation in Past tense (passé composé) with the sentences in this post “ER verbs passé composé dictation”. Dictation is an important activity which will enable you to improve your listening skills. Review these sentences with ER verbs and you will improve and expand your French vocabulary and...

PARLER Passé Composé

PARLER Passé Composé

PARLER Passé Composé Learn and practice French with this conjugation: PARLER Passé Composé. The verb “To talk/speak” is conjugated this way in Perfect tense: Le verbe “Parler Passé Composé” se conjugue de la façon suivante: J’ai parlé, tu as parlé, il a parlé, nous avons parlé, vous avez parlé, ils ont parlé.  Practice this...

Quel jour sommes-nous?

Quel jour sommes-nous?

 Petite conversation: Quel jour sommes-nous? Practice French conversations with French Circles. In this post, you are going to practice the conversation: Quel jour sommes-nous? – What day is it?. Please feel free to practice the other ways to ask the same questions from the list. Conversation: Quel jour sommes-nous? 1) Conversation #1 FRANÇAIS ENGLISH M: Bonjour...

La nourriture (Food) - FOOD

La nourriture (Food)

La nourriture (The Food) Learn and practice French food vocabulary, La nourriture (Food): le céréale, le petit déjeuner, les oeufs, pain, pain grillé, banane, pomme. Start watching the video and practice the pronunciation, then review the flashcards in the Quizlet. Feel free to use the different options from Quizlet, such us match, learn, test or spell....