À travers tes yeux-Jane Constance

À travers tes yeux Jane Constance - French Songs

À travers tes yeux-Jane Constance

Learn and Practice this beautiful song: “À travers tes yeux-Jane Constance”. This song will help you enhance your French vocabulary. This young Mauritian girl was born blind and since her young age, her parents make her develop her other senses. Jane began singing at the age of 5, the piano at 7. For her, “the most important thing in life is to smile, in life and on stage, the public feels it”. If Jane comes to participate in The Voice Kids, it is above all to live a unique adventure with other talents but also to prove that she is a child like the others.

She wants to show that she is a strong girl and that she too can realize her dream. Jane wants today to be judged like all other talents: for her voice and nothing else.

Song : À travers tes yeux

French English
Même si le temps passe, Even if time passes,
jamais je n’oublie I never forget
Le souvenir de ma vie gravé en moi The memory of my life engraved in me
Les nuits blanches, les insomnies My all-nighters, my insomnias
Les rêves que j’ai nourris au son de ta voix Dreams that I nourished by the sound of your voice
Les barrières que j’ai dû franchir, jeune, Fences that I had to cross, young,
J’ai dû partir chercher ma chance I had to leave to seek my opportunities
Avec ta force j’ai pu construire, seule, With your force, I built alone,
Mon avenir malgré le silence My future despite the silence
Je vois à travers tes yeux I see through your eyes
Chaque jour blottie contre toi Each day nestled against you
J’en ai tant voulu aux cieux I have so much blamed heavens
Du noir tout autour de moi For the black around me
C’est pour toi que je me bats It’s for you that I’m fighting
L’amour qui a nourri chacune de nos heures The love who has fed each of my hours
Pardonne-moi pour ce que je n’ai pas dit Pardon me, for that I didn’t say
Pour tous ces mots qui réchauffent le cœur all these words that warm the heart
Les barrières que j’ai dû franchir, jeune, Fences that I had to cross, young,
J’ai dû partir chercher ma chance I had to leave to seek my luck.

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À travers tes yeux Jane Constance - French Songs